Columbia Smiles

Dental Fillings vs. Crowns

Feb 8, 2012 @ 02:19 AM — by Nicholas Pournaras, D.M.D.
Tagged with: Tooth Decay Cavities Dental Fillings Dental Crowns

If you want to have a great smile that makes a great impression, it’s important that your teeth are healthy and clean. Plaque and tartar build-up can lead to tooth decay over time, leaving your teeth looking less that stellar. For this reason, our Columbia, SC cosmetic dentistry office offers patients a number of different options for dealing with cavities and tooth decay. Two such options are dental fillings and dental crowns. Each has their own uses when it comes to achieving a proper smile.

Dental fillings you are probably familiar with already and possibly have a few of them by now. These dental fillings are used to patch up a tooth that has been partially decayed by minor cavities. During the dental filling process, the decayed portion of the tooth is removed and the filling is placed to protect the interior of the tooth and improve its appearance. Whereas dental fillings were metal in the past, these days many patients and dental professionals prefer white fillings, which are made of a special composite material that blends in seamlessly with your natural tooth.

Columbia, SC dental crowns are for much more substantial levels of tooth decay and tooth damage. A dental crown is essentially a cap that is placed on top of a tooth that is severely damaged. The dental crown will provide an aesthetic enhancement of the tooth while protecting it from further damage and causing more discomfort. Dental crowns are great if you have a tooth that is extremely decayed or your tooth has been seriously chipped or cracked in an injury or an accident.

It’s generally pretty easy to determine if a dental filling or a dental crown is a better option for a tooth that’s damaged or decayed. One need only assess the extent of the damage or decay and act accordingly. These two treatment options are at extremes of a spectrum, however. Tooth bonding, inlays, onlays, and porcelain veneers can also be used to improve the overall appearance and health of a tooth.

To find out which dental treatment will best meet your needs, be sure to contact our Columbia, SC area cosmetic dentistry office today. Dr. Nicholas Pournaras and his team look forward to helping you get the smile of your dreams.